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02 Feb
Staff Post - Luke Jarvis
Luke Jarvis
Senior Software Developer
Luke joined Idealpos in 1994. He spends his spare time negotiating with his 3 boys.
Writing world-class Point of Sale software is a team effort.
If you are thinking of starting up your own POS company on your own and think it will be a walk in the park, think again.
“Ideal POS System” began as a side-project in 1999, something to keep a couple of end-users happy that wanted something more than a cash register. Version 1 had little more than a few setup screens, reports and a POS screen. The rudimentary POS was operated by a keyboard with physical stickers attached to keys for the various functions. Little did we know at the time that we were embarking on a journey that would last decades…
Version 1 (1999) and Version 2 (2000)

In the initial stages of the project, there were only a couple of end-users, hence very little support was needed and new features were developed quite quickly. As the number of customers grew, however, the workload increased exponentially.
Hundreds of features were born from the requests and feedback of thousands of users around the world. The small side-project became the main focus and we changed our company name to reflect this.
As the years continued, the version iterations grew, as did the customer base, the features, the support, and consequently the number of staff at Idealpos.
Version 2.5 (2001)

Version 3 (2004)

Version 4 (2006)

Version 5 (2008)

Version 5.5 (2009)

Version 6 (2010) and Version 6.03 (2012)

And finally, Version 7 – (Nov 2015)

As mentioned at the outset, Idealpos has been a team effort. Writing the code is only one of the small cogs in this giant machine. It is the design and functionality behind it all and the follow-up support that require the most amount of work, and that is something that has come together by teamwork. All of the staff at Idealpos, past and present, have contributed in some way; many of our dealers around the globe have also worked tirelessly in bringing certain parts to life, sometimes forcing our hand until it is perfect. And for that, we are grateful.
It is this combined effort and feedback on the part of many that not only has brought Idealpos to where it is today, but also gives us great confidence about where Idealpos will go tomorrow. We have a unique opportunity to take this software far beyond its current scope, and with the continued support of our dealer network, Idealpos can break new ground and be a world-leading Point of Sale product well into the future.