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29 Mar
No Small Feet 40km Test
Right on the end of last week before any public holidays kicked off, the guys were out on an overnight 40km mission to increase their challenge perspective. Once again Gerry provided us with a synopsis.
"Last Thursday night, No Small Feet hit the trail again for another training hike. We started at Lake Manchester at about 6:40pm, strapped on our headlamps, and began walking uphill. Somehow, we managed to get lost and miss the turnoff that would have allowed us to do a bunch of creek crossings and head west. Instead, we kept climbing and climbing on a ridge.
Eventually, we reached the park boundary. Since our goal was 40k, we continued into the silent streets of the town on Mt Nebo, hoping that any attacking dogs would continue to sleep, and wondering if we should order a pizza.
When we reached 20k, we turned around and started back down the mountain. The last 15k were very tough, as stiffness and fatigue set in, but we enjoyed the views of the moon reflecting off Lake Manchester as we neared the end. Andrew had been up since 3am the previous morning and we were all struggling with various aches and pains, but we completed our 40k walk at around 5am, just before dawn.
We got a good feel for the mind games we have to play to blank out discomfort and just keep going."
Having raised just over $2,000 so far, there's still room to help them with even a $2 donation here.