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10 May
Oxfam Endurance Update - Closing In
Once again we check in with our Oxfam Trail Walker's spokeperson, Gerry, to see how their training is progressing. With only 37 days, 20 hours and 22 minutes to go until they have to complete the walk, it's good to know Alex is no longer hallucinating.
"The full team (plus our stuffed animal mascot Badger) came out for our Friday night 30k training hike. We started at the Walkabout Creek Visitor Centre at 7pm.

After loading up on Heavy Fuel fast food, we walked around Enoggera Reservoir and out on South Boundary Road, continuing past Gold Creek Dam until we had walked about 15k, then turned around and started back again.

We had thought we might see some other Oxfam teams training, but once again, we saw nothing except for a few cane toads, the occasional bat flying in the light of our headlamps, and of course my spirit animal, the Tawny Frogmouth, who was there to ensure that we did not twist our ankles or fall off any cliffs.

The weather was again clear and beautiful, but turned a little chilly after our food break at the halfway point. The last 10k was a bit painful for all of us, but we powered on, getting used to how most of Oxfam is going to feel, and finished up at 2am."
Having raised just over $2,300 so far, there's still room to help them with even a $2 donation here.