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04 Sep
Idealpos 7 Build 55
We've released Idealpos 7 build 55 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. To find out what's included, check out the Update History and see how to use the enhancements. This is quite a large update with a lot of changes and we recommend that you read through the Update History guide to see how to use some of the new features.
We also recommend contacting your reseller for more information if you need help installing this build.
Consideration should be given to modifications made to the system which are defined in the Update History or Build Release Notes. These modifications may impact or affect a feature of the system that is currently being used. Idealpos highly recommends that a full backup of the system is created before and after the system has been updated. Idealpos also recommends that the operation of all aspects of the system are tested and monitored following this update. This advice is also applicable in the event that the Software update only contains fixes to the system and there is no Update History or Release Note document supplied. Please contact Idealpos or your Reseller for assistance.
** Enhancements
* [IP-140] - Automatic Email of Account Payments - Email Subject Line shows "Payment"
* [IP-1426] - Support for Sale Type printing on Table/Hold Print Sales
* [IP-1551] - Schedules - Ability to modify the POS number that Processes the Schedule
* [IP-1614] - Dashboard Pie Chart displays percentages
* [IP-1656] - Gift Voucher Balance recorded to the Journal
* [IP-1663] - Reservations Report - increased font size for greater readability
* [IP-1694] - Open Stock Item as Instruction allows Force Selling Price functionality
* [IP-1709] - Banking Report: XREPORT with LOCATION tag
* [IP-1845] - Customer Invoice - Total Ex label changed to Subtotal
* [IP-1850] - Table Details - Auto Select Priced Instructions when Parent Item is selected
* [IP-1883] - Waive Tender Surcharge Threshold
* [IP-1885] - Option to Disable Gaming Points Accrual on a Promotion
* [IP-1889] - User-Defined Options - support for On-Screen Keyboard functionality
* [IP-1904] - Yes/No Option - Print POS Description on Receipts
* [IP-1939] - Bill Print - Option to show Single Surcharge Percent
* [IP-1950] - Gift Voucher Report with drill-down transactions - Added running total column
* [IP-1952] - Raffle Tickets show Customer Name and Code
* [IP-1989] - Journal Enquiry to Stock Item Sales - Ability to Create Shortcut
* [IP-2029] - Ability to encode Customer into QR Code on Receipts
* [IP-2039] - Table Details - Reorder Items Function
* [IP-2049] - Stock Item Search function - Default Search Type option
* [IP-2050] - Stock Item Search function on POS Grids
* [IP-2064] - Allow Waste Mode functionality when performing a Sale
* [IP-2071] - Ideal Webit - Support for Add Stock Notes as Text option
* [IP-2075] - Purchase Orders - Option to show Stock Code next to Description
* [IP-2077] - Activity Log entry for Replayed Transaction
* [IP-2081] - Export Stock Sales - option to Filter by Site
* [IP-2090] - Pending Sales Address recorded in Journal History when finalized (User-Defined)
* [IP-2092] - Westpac Group Eftpos - Support for Pinpad Surcharging
* [IP-2096] - Show POS Description on BackOffice and POS Screen Captions
* [IP-2097] - Supplier Selection on Promotion Details by Item Report
* [IP-2103] - Unit Cost field on Purchase Orders - allow entry of extra digit
* [IP-2104] - Stock Item Search - support for Chinese Character searching
* [IP-2108] - Support for Vault Eftpos 4.0 API
* [IP-2109] - Support for Yield Percentage Attributes
* [IP-2110] - Yes/No Option for Master Accounts to Accumulate Points from Sub-Accounts
* [IP-2113] - User-Defined Option - INDIARECEIPTSPLITTAX
* [IP-2114] - Range Programming allows bulk changes of Large Stock Notes data
* [IP-2122] - Table Details - Instruction Items Indented for greater readability
* [IP-2134] - USA and Canada Regions split into separate options
* [IP-2137] - Westpac Group Eftpos - Support for MOTO Transactions
* [IP-2148] - Import Stock Items supports importing Supplier Quantity Type/Sell Quantity
* [IP-2150] - Stock Valuation Report - Summary option enabled for Department/Sales Category Groupings
* [IP-2158] - Synchronize Sales utility - option to synchronize all sales from one terminal
* [IP-2173] - Ebet Gaming - Till ID 5588 Functionality for Void Mode transactions
* [IP-2179] - Dynamic Screen Tab Functionality
* [IP-2181] - Dashboard - Last 7 Days/Previous 7 Days and This Month/Last Month Charts