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02 May
Idealpos 8 Build 12
We've released Idealpos 8 Build 12 and it's ready for downloading and installing on your system. We recommend that you read through the Update History to find out what's included and how to use some of the new features.
Consideration should be given to modifications made to the system which are defined in the Update History or Build Release Notes. These modifications may impact or affect a feature of the system that is currently being used. Idealpos highly recommends that a full backup of the system is created before and after the system has been updated. Idealpos also recommends that the operation of all aspects of the system are tested and monitored following this update. This advice is also applicable in the event that the Software update only contains fixes to the system and there is no Update History or Release Note document supplied. Please contact Idealpos or your Reseller for assistance.
** Enhancements
* [IP-2909] - Stock Item Sales Report - Customer / Customer Type selection range filters
* [IP-3938] - Stock Item Labels - option to Hide Prices
* [IP-4615] - POS Options - "Copy from POS" button can copy from specific POS
* [IP-4896] - Gift Vouchers - ability to Print to Windows Printer
* [IP-5210] - Yes/No Option - Prompt to Print Receipt
* [IP-5219] - Customer Display - support for Type Text Function
* [IP-5395] - Gift Vouchers - Ability to Edit Gift Voucher Name
* [IP-5410] - Table Details - Print Last Receipt during Partial Payments
* [IP-5411] - POS Terminals grid - show POS Layout
* [IP-5415] - Stock Purchases - MDI Functionality
* [IP-5429] - Table Map 1920/1366 Resolutions - ability to use Full Screen for Table Map
* [IP-5432] - Refund Reasons - show on Journal Enquiry / Receipts
* [IP-5434] - New Customer Function - support for default Customer Type
* [IP-5444] - Yes/No Option - Import Promotions default to Inhibit Points
* [IP-5487] - Importing Custom Invoices - ability to Merge New Items based on Description/Price
* [IP-5488] - Stock Item Labels - Add Items by Recent Price Changes
* [IP-5495] - Ability to send the "SendFiles" Folder to all terminals
* [IP-5509] - POS Screen Setup - Copy Single Tab to different POS Layout
* [IP-5543] - Yes/No Option - Stock Item Search from POS Screen Resets Filters
* [IP-5566] - Stock Item Export/Import - support for Modifier Grids field