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IT Awareness with 'Petya', 'Petna' 'NotPetya' Wiper Malware

Just another reminder to everyone as to what can happen or what you might see with regards to the Petya ransomware doing the rounds at the moment. You will all need to be acutely aware when working with POS Terminals and using unauthorized USB drives, etc on your POS network.

Below is purely an example taken from the internet and is provided for educational and informational purposes only. If you restart your computer and see the following then please turn your computer off immediately and contact your IT support. Leaving the process to run will encrypt the files on your machine and more than likely will not be recoverable.

If you see the following screenshot this means the process has completed and your files have been encrypted. If you see this then please turn your machine off immediately and contact your IT support.

Sending $300.00 of Bitcoin will NOT get you files back as the email address has now been closed down by government agencies.

Further Information: