
Insights/Analytics are integrations from third-parties that enable you to dive deeper into your data for further breakdown and analysis, helping to highlight the areas that are performing well as well as identify the areas that need improvement.

Insights/Analytics POS Integration Partners



Earnings software designed for the hospitality industry, that tracks live labour and revenue via the Peiso APP and provides an easy-to-understand window into business financial performance to drive daily decisions.

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Idealpos Online

Idealpos Online

You can't be at work 24/7, and why should you be?

With Idealpos Online, you can take your business with you and still live the good life!

What if we could give you a tool, a way to be present at your business without actually being there, and still keep an eye on things? That's exactly what Idealpos Online is. We take all the information that we know is important to you and we package it up in pretty graphs and notification alerts so you can keep your business in top shape, even when you're not there.

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